Revenons à nos moutons…

So, back to the project in hand. Today I received this little beauty in the post, having purchased it from eBay…


This is a limited edition kit from Airfix. The wonder of it is that it has the Sea Harrier FA.2 in the colours of 800NAS, plus a Harrier GR.7 which is what 800NAS was re-equipped with. So, two models off the list for (pretty much) the price of one. A bonus is that the Sea Harrier has a special ‘last flight’ paint job. I have decals for the GR.7 kit elsewhere for an aircraft of 800NAS.

So, guess I know what I’ll be doing during the launch of Strictly, or X-Factor, or the latest update from CBB, or whatever the Hell other tosh is shown at the weekend!

3 thoughts on “Revenons à nos moutons…

  1. A nice find! Not sure if you saw my earlier message, I have that photo of HMS Triumph if you’d like it. It shows all the crew on deck – sadly too distant to recognise anyone. I’d have to email it to you as I can’t add images to these messages. Enjoy the kits Saturday tv is rubbish!


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